
Restorative Christian Ministry


The building blocks of restorative Christian ministry rooted in scripture.


The shema was a call given by God to Israel. It was a call to hear, with the Hebrew significance of the word carrying the meaning to obey. The word also carries the significance of knowing. The people of God are to know God and out of knowing him ought to flow the desire to obey him; the obeying is rooted in knowing that God is a God of grace, love, and mercy. This is ultimately displayed in and through Jesus Christ, who reiterates the call of the shema.

Spiritual disciplines for knowing God include reading and study of scripture, scripture memory, lectio divina, and the examen, among others.


Sabbath was a centrally important practice for God's people. It provided them not simply opportunity to rest, but to rest in God. Sabbath helped Israel remember that God was their deliverer, redeemer, sustainer, and provider. Sabbath was a regular reminder to orient their lives around this truth. In Jesus we find the call of sabbath (rest and trust in God) continues in and through his life, death, and resurrection. Trusting in the sustaining work of God for us creates space to be present for others; sabbath practice carries with it an invitation into shalom (loving concern for others).

The call of sabbath is strengthened through such practices as fasting, prayer, solitude/silence, and confession.


The outpouring of relationship with God is shalom. In coming to know God and resting in God's love and provision, we find not only peace with God but also seek peace with one another. Shalom involves a radical love for God and love for one another, which comes out of a place of knowing God's love.

Shalom simply defined is when everything is as it should be. Seeking shalom is restorative work. When we know that we are loved by God, respond to such love by loving God and loving others, we have entered into the restorative work of shalom.

Some of the practices that foster shalom are submission, service, fellowship, and hospitality.


Restorative Ministry

Within the biblical account of God's call to his people, we find a call to restoration for them and their world through the themes of shema, shabbat, and shalom.

Shema, SHabbat, Shalom, and a Saviour

Richard Hovey wrote his dissertation on the themes of shema, shabbat, and shalom with specific interest in the implications for pastoral ministry. A link to his dissertation is below.